Ayahuasca Podcast
Explore Transformative Experiences

and Ancestral plant medicines

Ayahuasca Podcast
Explore Transformative Experiences

and Ancestral plant medicines

Founder & Host

Sam Believ

Sam had a life-changing experience with Ayahuasca with the medicine taking away his depression and helping him find his purpose. Now Sam is on a mission to spread the word about Ayahuasca with AyahuascaPodcast.com as well as provide affordable and accessible Ayahuasca experience at his retreat – LaWayra.

LaWayra has become the most reviewed Ayahuasca retreat in South America in 3 years of its existence and has changed lives of 1000s of people.

ayahuasca podcast

Learn everything about Auhauasca

In each episode of Ayahuasca podcast we explore the history, cultural meaning, and personal journeys related to this special plant medicine. We talk with shamans, researchers, and people who share their own experiences and insights. Join us to understand how ayahuasca affects the mind, body, and spirit.

Prepare for Your Ayahuasca Journey with the Ayahuasca Podcast

If you are already on the healing path with Ayahuasca you will get insights on how to grow so much more with this medicine and integrate it into your life. If you are yet to sit with the medicine Ayahuasca Podcast is a perfect place for you to learn and prepare so by the time you are in the ceremony you will be very confident and prepared.
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